Friday, July 17, 2009

Being a skeptic?

Oh, here we go again…another skeptic who’s a self proclaimed expert. Well, to make it clear, I am not. Neither do I have the authority to refute anything.
I am not a skeptic because skeptics are morons who held back their belief in wait for that single earthshaking proof. The difference is that I hold no such reservation. I am a believer. I believe either that it is so or it is not. End of question.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ghosts don't exist

Ghosts do not exist. Ghost is defined as the spirit of a dead person that people think they can feel or see in a place. A ghost is also defined as the supposed apparition of a dead person or animal. Also, the meaning of ghost as popularly held to be, are the disembodied spirit or soul of a deceased person that is insubstantial and partly transparent. The reason why I say that ghost doesn’t exist because I see ghosts as merely a product of mythology, ghosts holds no place in Islam and ghosts are just hallucinations.