Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Noni Juice: Alternative Cure for Cancer

(Taken from: http://cancertutor.com/Cancer/Noni.html)

How It Works

Like grape juice, Noni juice contains a whole slew of cancer fighting nutrients. It kills cancer cells (the anthraquinone damnacanthal and the trace element selenium), it stops the spread of cancer (beta sitosterol, noni-ppt and limonene), it stimulates the white blood cells and other parts of the immunity system (polysaccharides) and takes part in a process that enlarges cell membranes so they can better absorb nutrients (proxeronine aids in creating xeronine). And this is only a partial list!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Noni Prevents Heart Attack

Phytochemicals are the chemicals found in plants, many of which are so vital for our well being. People usually take supplements such as Noni not just for the extra vitamins and minerals their body requires, but to provide the chemistry to help ward off or heal infections and diseases.

Noni Juice Reduce Blood Pressure

What’s the connection between noni Juice and blood Pressure?

Getting familiar with the plant and it’s history will help you answer the question. The noni fruit has been classed along with other, well known powerful herbs because of it’s long use and potency. The plant itself isn’t a tree as some may imagine if they happen to hear the Tahitian expression, “painkiller tree”, but it is a shrub or bush that can grow up to about 20 feet tall. It has shiny dark green oval leaves and white flowers. The fruit looks very strange. To me it looks like an oval with lots of lumps with eyes. I have yet to taste the raw fruit from off the bush. It has a bitter after-taste and a stinky, pungent smell.

Drinking Noni Juice To Control Diabetes

Noni juice is regarded as a miracle juice for those who have seen the many health benefits it can provide. This juice is harvested from the Morinda citrifolia plant, traditionally called the Noni Fruit, in the chemically free and organic farms of Samoa. The Samoan people have been using this juice for generations and have benefited from its potent healing properties. It is now a juice recognized worldwide to help with a variety of health issues including: cancer related illnesses, arthritis, weight loss, digestive problems, and even helps reduces diabetes risk, among many other ailments.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Something you should know about Noni

It is a type of plant scientifically known as Morinda citrifolia or widely known right now as Noni since it was popularized by the noni industry in Hawaii.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Being a skeptic?

Oh, here we go again…another skeptic who’s a self proclaimed expert. Well, to make it clear, I am not. Neither do I have the authority to refute anything.
I am not a skeptic because skeptics are morons who held back their belief in wait for that single earthshaking proof. The difference is that I hold no such reservation. I am a believer. I believe either that it is so or it is not. End of question.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ghosts don't exist

Ghosts do not exist. Ghost is defined as the spirit of a dead person that people think they can feel or see in a place. A ghost is also defined as the supposed apparition of a dead person or animal. Also, the meaning of ghost as popularly held to be, are the disembodied spirit or soul of a deceased person that is insubstantial and partly transparent. The reason why I say that ghost doesn’t exist because I see ghosts as merely a product of mythology, ghosts holds no place in Islam and ghosts are just hallucinations.